The Dos and Donts of Wearing a Crop Top

Crop tops are growing in popularity from the runway to the street and there are many ways to rock this trend. While it can be appealing to run out and copy the latest trend you see make sure to customize the trend to you so you don’t look crazy. The great thing about crop tops is they work for everybody regardless of body size. Don’t have the flattest stomach? No problem! Cover up with a high-waisted skirt or pair of pants and nobody will ever notice. On the other hand show off a flat stomach by wearing a crop top with a pair of pants and skirt showing off the body you have worked so hard to get!

Do: Pick an outfit featuring a crop top according to your body size and proportions.

Don’t: Show off something you do not have. Haven’t quite achieved that flat stomach make sure your outfit features a high-waisted skirt or pants.

Crop tops and many other trends can be very cute but if done wrong can send the wrong message. Be conscientious of size and fit when shopping for this trend and always balance the two out.

Do: Be aware of proper size and fit

Don’t: While the cropped trend is a cute and classy way to share some skin, be careful to not show too much.

Be sure to take the cropped trend and make it your own! Go for a fun color or print! Switch things up and rock a cropped outfit at a formal event or go casual. Do what works for you but remember to not take the trend too seriously. Have fun because at the end of the day if your look feels force or copied it shows. Your confidence shines through when you are wearing something you truly enjoy!

Do: Experiment and try different variations of the trend!

Don’t:  Copy the trend completely – make it your own!

coop  crapp  cropp

croppp  daisystreetmodel_dec10th_p4_28_of_92__1images (3) taylors2-copy

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